If you have extra produce from your garden and would like to donate it to others, here are a few places that may be in need of fresh, organic vegetables or fruit. It is always important to call ahead to check on their needs and to deliver produce during their open hours.
Your neighbors
Offer surplus to your neighbors, it’s a fun way to get to know each other and build community. Some neighborhoods have established a sharing shelf that is routinely used so food doesn’t sit out overnight or in the sun.
The Inter-Church Food Pantry at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
500 Robinson Road Sebastopol, CA 95472
M, W, F, Sat 10am-noon
The Living Room
Chris Moonsammy, 707-978-4795
1207 Cleveland Ave, Santa Rosa
Life Center is at 1335 North Dutton Ave Santa Rosa
1710 Sebastopol Road Santa Rosa, CA 95407
707 527-5151
Mon-Fri noon – 2pm
Sebastopol Senior Center
167 N. High St in Sebastopol
open Mon-Fri 8:30am- 4pm
Ask at the front desk or call ahead about leaving produce.
Burbank Housing Senior Apartments
7777 Bodega Avenue: Sebastopol 95472
Redwood Gospel Mission
101 6th Street in Historic Railroad Square Santa Rosa
(707) 542-4817
The kitchen on site tends to cook up whatever they are given, call ahead or knock on the door and ask.
Castle Childcare and Preschool (Seb Union School Dist.)
7611 Huntley St, Sebastopol, CA 95472
707-829-4579 or 4578
Sometimes the staff has accepted homegrown fruit and veggies that students can have for snacks or parents can bring home, ask ahead of time. Open before school- late afternoon
Farm to Pantry Gleaning Organization
Contact Farm to Pantry for places they suggest for large donations or to ask for help gleaning a large crop on your property.
South Santa Rosa VA Clinic
2285 Challenger Way
Santa Rosa, CA 95407-5418
main phone 707-569-2300
Clinic hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm
Tips for donating: Call the operation manager, Aho. His number is 707-752-1910. It works well to deliver before lunch. You can drive just past the door and park to unload, Aho can meet you or if he is not available you can take it inside to the counter and give it to someone. Best to deliver in boxes you don’t need back.