The Grange Virtual Farm Imagined
Our mission is to create an economy of abundance. We will do more good, grow more food, create more beauty….thus creating stronger community, resiliency, and biodiversity.
For our farm we imagine a network of growers joined together in a virtual farm, a farm in essence. The essence of what we envision is a community of growers, from people who have a few potted herbs to people who have multiple crops on acreage. We are joined together by choice, to make a community where knowledge and supplies can be shared as well as the abundance of produce and ornamentals. Each of our locations for growing are real, each can be placed on our Virtual Farm Map (no street addresses shown), we can come together in person for joy, work, learning, sharing and building resiliency and biodiversity.
Collectively, we can start to think of ourselves as a farm as we all are tending the land in our disparate locations. We can add up our separate parts to find out how large our Grange Virtual Farm can become. Times have changed, but this is how we are a farm in the 21st century. When we inhabit a collective farm mindset, we can start to feel the impact we are having on our local community.
The Grange has historically been a group of those in agriculture and farming, in this present time we hope to help reimagine our Sebastopol Grange to go beyond, to unite us in growing more food, beauty, community resiliency and good.
Want to join us? Fill out this form here
The Grange Virtual Farm provided a Harvest Meal
The Grange Virtual Farm provided a Harvest Meal for the Grange community made with love and produce from their gardens and farms on October 29, 2024…
Daily Acts Carbon Gardening Resources
Check out the short videos on a variety of carbon gardening topics
From the Grange Archives- a bit of Grange History
Adopted by the National Grange at its Seventh Annual Session, held at St. Louis, Mo., Feb., 1874
Profoundly impressed with the truth that the National Grange of the United States should definitely proclaim to the world its general objects, we hereby unanimously make this Declaration of Purposes of the Patrons of Husbandry:
1. United by the strong and faithful tie of Agriculture, we mutually resolve to labor for the good of our Order, our country, and mankind.
2. We heartily endorse the motto, ” In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”
3. We shall endeavor to advance our cause by laboring to accomplish the following objects:
To develop a better and higher manhood and womanhood among ourselves. To enhance the comforts and attractions of our homes, and strengthen our attachment to our pursuits. To foster mutual understanding and cooperation. To maintain inviolate our laws, and to emulate each other in labor, to hasten the good time coming. To reduce our expenses, both individual and corporate. To buy less and produce more, in order to make our farms self-sustaining. To diversify our crops, and crop no more than we can cultivate. To condense the weight of our exports, selling less in the bushel, and more on hoof and in fleece; less in lint, and more in warp and woof. To systemize our work, and calculate intelligently on probabilities. To discountenance the credit system, the mortgage system, the fashion system, and every other system tending to prodigality and bankruptcy.