
Our Grange Leadership Team for 2024

Top: Dot Janson, Hrieth Pezzi, Jessica Seevers, Jeanna Collett, Hasna, Wood, Ann Austin, Lawrence Jaffe, Paul Schwebel, Jim Crawford, Amy Crawford. Middle: Laura Shafer, Peter Schurch, Nancy Cadigan, Barton Stone. Front: Christine Covington, Dorothy Morgan, Meryl Azar, Constance Miles.

Co-President: Lawrence Jaffe and Nancy Cadigan
Vice President: Meryl Azar
Executive Committee: Jeanna Collet, Hrieth Pezzi, Lawrence Jaffee
Lecturer: Jim Crawford and Amy Crawford
Chaplain: Barton Stone
Membership Secretary: Denise Meier
Recording Secretary: Constance Miles
Treasurer: Laura Shafer
Gatekeepers: Jessica Seevers and Hasna Wood
Steward: Dot Janson
Assistant Stewards: Paul Schwebel and Christine Covington
Musician: Peter Schurch
Graces: Pomona: Dorothy Morgan, Ceres: Ann Austin, Flora: Victoria Johnston

The Sebastopol Grange Leadership Team is a diverse group that bring their many skills, experiences, and insights to the Grange, to work together to build the future we envision.

Come join us in building that vision!

Find officer descriptions here.