Grange Communications Policies

Jump to How to get your event or program news on our website or in our newsletters and Facebook page.

The purpose of Grange communications is to promote Grange programs to our members and the greater community. Communication channels include our website, our email newsletters, and our Facebook page. These policies are designed to streamline our communications efforts for maximum effectiveness with minimum time and expense.
All written communications are executed by the Communications Coordinator, under the direction of the executive committee.
Content to be published is determined by the Communications Coordinator based on information obtained at meetings, events on our calendar, and requests of the Communications Committee, the Facility Manager, and/or the President, and program leaders.. Content includes Grange news and Grange-sponsored events.

Grange Calendar

The calendar is administered by the facility manager. The facility manager will provide a link to organizers of Grange-sponsored events to list them on our calendar. Calendar listings should include all information needed to promote the event on all our channels, e.g., date, time, name of event, description, contact if applicable, and a link to more information.

Grange Facebook pages

Anyone may post to the Friends of the Sebastopol Grange group Facebook page on any topic relevant to Grangers and friends. The Communications Coordinator posts about Grange news and Grange-sponsored events on our official Sebastopol Grange #306 Facebook page .

Email Communications

We email Business Meeting Notes to members within a few days after the meeting. We email Hall Happenings (typically on the Friday prior to the General Meeting) to our larger community list of subscribers. That is a very narrow window and minutes need to be approved and emailed to the Communications Coordinator as quickly as possible.
Content for email marketing includes content from our website and calendar, along with information provided to the Communications Coordinator by the President and authorized persons. Content may be reviewed before emailing by no more than three people authorized to do so.
Grangers and community members who subscribe to our email marketing have given us permission to email them about Grange news and events. Anti-spam laws and best practices for email marketing require us to respect the granting of the subscribers’ “explicit permission”.
We limit the use of email marketing to no more than three per month on average, both to avoid exceeding our staff budget and to avoid over-taxing our subscribers’ responsiveness. We do not email dedicated emails about individual events.

Attn: Event and program organizers:

To make sure your event or program news is included on the website, our Facebook, and our newsletters, list events with all information on the calendar. Also email images to the Communications Coordinator. Please DO NOT SEND FLYERS/POSTERS. They are not easily deconstructed and reformatted for other channels.
Include all event or program details in text form and all images in jpg format.
Images for website, newsletter or Facebook may be square or horizontal, not vertical. Best size for Facebook images is 1200px x 630px.