Support for our neighbors encamped on The Joe Rodota Trail

Dec. 1, 2019

A message from long-time Grange officer Gary Abreim:

KayLynne and I have recently gotten involved with some folks who are serving the encampment community on the Rodota Trail.  Last weekend there was a major cleanup and many loads of trash were taken to the dump. Today toilet paper, ponchos, gloves and plastic tubs to keep possessions dry were given along with tamales and soup.

The Roberts sisters, Rochelle and Jillian, were able this week to get 8 porta potties placed.  It’s truly a labor of loving service and more voices are speaking out for permanent shelter.  With these storms they are hoping to create some temporary shelter too.

The sisters have an inspiring commitment and also carry the financial load.  They created a gofundme site – Funds for the Less Fortunate – four days ago with a $5000 goal.

[Gary proposed to the Grange Executive Committee that the Grange donate $300, which was enthusiastically approved. He invites Grangers and friends who want to help to contribute to the fund]

I also encourage you to visit the trail and meet the residents and see if you get called to support our houseless community in some way.   If you meet Rochelle or Jillian let them know you are from the Grange.  At some point we might want to do a fund raiser event with them.

The group has a Facebook page – Sonoma County Acts of Kindness – where you can read about ways to help.
Gary Abriem
Let’s take them over the $5000 goal!

It’s becoming ever more clear that there is no them…..just us.


