The Sebastopol Grange will sponsor a non-partisan Sebastopol City Council Candidates Forum on Wednesday, Sept. 28, starting at 6:30 at its Hall at 6000 Sebastopol Road, also known as Highway 12. People are welcome to arrive early and stay after for a while to extend the conversation. The three candidates who have filed have agreed to attend and answer questions — Michael Anthony Carnacchi, Jonathan Greenberg, Neysa Hinton an write-in candidate Craig Litwin. Moderators will be Grangers Lawrence Jaffe and Hrieth Pezzi.
The Forum will be broadcast live on KOWS 107.3FM and www. by KOWS producer Arnold Levine. moderator Barry Chertov will film the event and publish the video on that website.
Admission is by donation. All are welcome, as elected officials in any Sonoma County city can influence the rest of the County.
Feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested in attending. Volunteers are needed for various roles. Further information is available from organizer Shepherd Bliss at