The Grange #306 scholarship committee is happy to recap the scholarship awards from the 2016-17 school year. Ariel Scholten received a Member Education scholarship to help her attend the National FFA Convention in Indiana. The Analy High School Agriculture Department received a School Program grant to upgrade their greenhouse and Parkside Elementary received a grant to repair and upgrade their school garden shed. The Youth Granger Scholarships were awarded to Cabrilla Wiecek, an Analy High School student, to use towards her Global Student Embassy trip to Niagara, Pauline Allen who is studying Ecology at Evergreen State, and Jannike Allen who is studying Environmental Science at Portland State.
In addition the scholarship committee has met to review and update the guidelines for the scholarship awards. We will be moving to a calendar year award cycle where the Youth Granger Scholarship applications will be due February 1 of each year and awarded in the spring. Both the Member Education Scholarship and the School Program Grant will be awarded twice a year, fall and spring. The Scholarship Tab on the Sebastopol Grange website will be updated with these new due dates and guidelines.
Fall 2017 we will accept applications for a Member Education Scholarship and a School Program Grant. The applications and guidelines can be found on the Sebastopol Grange website under the Scholarship tab.