It’s time to gather around good food.
Each year as we enter the month of November, our minds shift to holiday gatherings and celebrations. This year, as our community re-builds and strengthens after the destructive fires in October, this tradition is not only valuable, but it is essential.
I would like to invite each of you to join us next Wednesday, November 15th at 7 pm for a cultured celebration: a Vital Alchemy Potluck.
Instead of bringing a few dollars for the donation jar, please bring a dish or a fermented food that you’d like to share. If you are not able to bring a homemade food, please consider bringing your favorite product from a local company.
In addition to enjoying each other’s company, we are going to discuss the future of this group. I have recently accepted a job out of state, and will be relocating in January. As I will not be in Sonoma County myself to organize the meeting topics, I want to offer others the opportunity to plan these fun gatherings. Jerry and I have discussed that perhaps the group could meet quarterly, and at the very least, we can maintain a mailing list or a Facebook group for recipe sharing, tips/tricks and new fermentation info.
It was a hard decision to make when I accepted the job offer, as I value my community here so very much. (read: all of YOU!) This is a temporary relocation for me and my family, and we will be returning to Sonoma County. I look forward to sharing more details with you all next week.
I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday, 11/15 at 7pm. Please do your best to bring your own plate, cup and silverware so that we can minimize our waste. Don’t hesitate to email me this week with any questions you might have or suggestions for the future of this group.
In gratitude and with love,