Our December meeting was a combined business meeting and general meeting. We enjoyed a boxed brunch of salmon toasts, quich, salad, and more, prepared by Dena with help from Carol and Dorothy Morgan.
President Laura reported on her conversations with Sean McNeil at the City of Santa Rosa about the tilling being done on the adjacent Kelly Farm by the current farmer, whose lease will be ending soon. McNeil said he is open to our Grange’s suggestion that the property be leased to a farmer who will use more biodynamic, no-till farming methods. They discussed the posibility of grants in partnership with the The Natural Resources Defense Council, the City of Santa Rosa, and the Grange.
“We have planted the seeds to make changes in local agriculture,” said Laura.
Ten-year-old Lucas Kessler, who received a scholarship from the Grange to attend Camp Winnarainbow last summer, told us aout the classes in break dancing, clown skills, Diablo and unicycle he enjoyed. He demonstrated his unicycle skills for us all.