Grange #306 Scholarships Descriptions and Applications

The Grange Community Impact Grant

The Grange desires to encourage programing at the Grange Hall that engages and benefits Grangers and the community at large. Community Grants shall be in addition to the sponsorship of an event by providing the use of the Hall, the Grange shall also Grant funds to pay an expert in a subject to come and present. The amount shall not exceed $500. We are looking for ideas such as a program, a class, a presentation, a workshop, an event or an action that will be open to the Grange Members and the General public at minimal or no cost.

To apply, summit proposal ideas in paragraph form to our PO Box,, or the monthly business meeting.

The Youth Grangers Scholarship

For Grange Member or Children Of Granger up to age 26.
a. The scholarship is to support school, college or university study.
b. The scholarship will be given once per year to one or more applicants. Committee recommendations will be brought to the February or March General meeting to vote on, then funds will be dispersed.
c. The scholarship will be funded by an amount determined by the budget committee.

i. The amount is to be determined in consultation with the President and Treasurer.
ii. The selection of recipients and number of awards will recommended by Committee.

d. The recipient must be willing to return and report to fellow members at a General Meeting.
e. Priority will be given to youth who have not received a Sebastopol Grange Scholarship in the last 2 years.
f. Minimum of $500 for two recipients or more recipients if funds are available.

Download the application.

The Youth “Extended Family” Scholarship

a. This scholarship is for youth up to 26 years of age who are involved in or part of a group or organization that has an ongoing relationship with the Sebastopol Grange. (for example; California Homemakers Assoc. or Bayer Farm)
b. The scholarship is to support school, vocational school, college or university study. Applicants may request a scholarship to assist with educational costs post high school or specific costs prior to high school graduation. Please be specific about what you need the money for and how much money up to $500 that you need.
c. The scholarship will be given once per year to one or more applicants.
Committee recommendations will be brought to the June General meeting to vote on, then funds will be dispersed.
d. The scholarship will be funded by an amount determined by the budget committee.

i. The amount is to be determined in consultation with the President and Treasurer.
ii. The selection of recipients and number of awards will recommended by Committee.

e. The recipient must be willing to return and report to fellow members at a General Meeting.

f. Priority will be given to youth who have not received a Sebastopol Grange Scholarship in the last 2 years.
g. Minimum of $500 for two recipients or more recipients if funds are available.

Download the application.


The Member Education Scholarship

a. The Member Education Scholarship is for the improvement of the knowledge base in our Grange community.
b. The scholarship is to help Grange members fund a class or event that has a relationship to Grange #306.
c. The recipient must be willing to return and report to fellow Grange members at a General Meeting.
d. The scholarship will be funded by an amount determined by the budget committee.

i. The amount is to be determined in consultation with the President and Treasurer.
ii. The selection of recipients and number of awards will recommended by Committee.

e. The scholarship will be given twice a year, fall (open July 1) and spring (open Jan 1).

Download the application.


The School Program Scholarship

a. This scholarship/grant program is designed to help support local school programs or projects that further the Grange goals of a healthy environment, sustainable agriculture and food systems and community service.
b. The recipient must be willing to return and report to Grange members at a General Meeting.
c. The scholarship/grant will be funded by an amount determined by the budget committee.
d. The amount is to be determined in consultation with the President and Treasurer.

i. The selection of recipients and number of awards will recommended by Committee

e. The scholarship/grant will be given twice a year, fall (open July 1) and spring (open Jan 1). Committee recommendations will be brought to the General meeting to vote and funds will then be dispersed.
f. Priority will be given to schools that have not received a Sebastopol Grange School Program grant in the last 2 years.
g. Up to $300 awarded fall and spring

Download the application.