Environmental Awards Celebration

Fri, December 9, 2022, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Holiday Networking Party & Environmental Awards Celebration Friday, December 9, 2022, 5 – 8 pm Benefit for the Environmental Center of Sonoma County.

Join members of local environmental groups for good food, wine, hot cider and live music.

Hosted by the Sonoma County Conservation Council, the Sierra Club Sonoma Group, and the Sebastopol Grange.

This year SCCC will be presenting Environmental Awards at a webinar December 7. At the Holiday Party, the community will join to celebrate the awardees and connect in person. Clips from the awards presentation will be shown.

Location – 6000 Sebastopol Ave/Hwy 12, (approx. 2.5 miles west of Fulton Rd.)

$35 per person includes dinner!   RSVPs requested but not required.

Tickets online at https://envirocentersoco.org/holiday-networking-party/
or mail a check to SCCC, PO Box 4346, Santa Rosa, CA 95402, or at the door.